Exeter-based printing firm Pollard Prints buys out BCQ Group
Exeter-based printing firm Pollard Prints buys out BCQ Group

Exeter-based printing firm Pollard Prints buys out BCQ Group

An Exeter-based print firm has purchased the business and assets of BCQ Group. William Pollard & Company, trading as Pollards Print, bought the business from administrators Paul Meadows and Matt Cowlishaw, both of Teneo Financial Advisory, in a pre-pack transaction on August 14. Buckingham-based BCQ was impacted by the pandemic, leading to increased debt and market adjustments, according to Teneo, which has an office in Bristol. Teneo said that whilst EBITDA was positive, this was not at a level sufficient to service the increased debt taken on through the pandemic and this resulted in creditor pressure and disruption to trading, resulting in an urgent funding need. Dave Mace, managing director of Pollards Print, said: “We have been hugely impressed by the outstanding print solutions and talented team evident at BCQ. Bringing our businesses together will provide a strong platform for future growth and we are very excited at the prospect of working with the BCQ team going forwards”. Lead administrator, Mr Meadows, added: “Pollards Print has aspirations to grow its business and was quick to respond to the opportunity to purchase the business and assets of BCQ in an accelerated sale process ran by our Special Situations M&A team. I’m very pleased this has ensured continuity of the business and safeguarded the jobs of 113 employees.” Legal support to the administrators was provided by Irwin Mitchell (Amy Keogh, Sally Parkes and Nicky Tattal). Pollards Print was assisted by Guy Eggleton of Isca Ventures with legal advice from Andrew Knox, Ellie Hibberd, Chris Morse and Sean Jenner of Stephens Scown. Valuation advice was provided to the administrators by Tim Simmons of Sanderson Weatherall and James Acton of Gordon Brothers.