The day Princess Anne survived a dramatic kidnap attempt
The day Princess Anne survived a dramatic kidnap attempt

The day Princess Anne survived a dramatic kidnap attempt

Back in 2020 news broke that Ronnie Russell, who saved from a kidnap attempt in 1974, , following ill health. Then, further recollections of the dramatic event resurfaced, with the princess’s former bodyguard offering his own memories of the incident. The attempt took place when the then 23-year-old Princess Anne was travelling back to Buckingham Palace after attending a charity event with her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips. A car blocked their way, and suddenly its driver, Ian Ball, pulled out a handgun. Ball shot Anne’s chauffeur and her security officer, Jim Beaton, as well as a nearby tabloid journalist who tried to intervene. Beaton had not yet drawn his own weapon when he was shot. Having been hit in the shoulder, the bodyguard attempted to fire back at the assailant, but missed. Upon a second attempt, his gun – a Walther PPK – jammed. Ball, who was planning to kidnap the Princess for a £2 million ransom, tried to make Anne get out of the car. In a moment of impressive calm, she famously replied: ‘Not bloody likely’. Before the situation could escalate any further, the attack was stopped by a passing boxer, the aforementioned Ronnie Russell, who punched Ball in the head. Police bodyguard Jim Beaton, was, like Russell, honoured for his bravery in the altercation, receiving the George Cross – the highest civilian honour for gallantry. Speaking to , he offered his perspective on events of 20 March 1974. Then a 31-year-old inspector, Beaton had been Anne’s bodyguard for a year. When Ball’s car forced the royal’s chauffeur to stop on , Beaton got out to investigate: ‘I thought it was somebody who wanted to be a pain in the neck… There was no hint of what was to happen.’ After he was shot by Ball, who had two guns, and after his own gun had jammed, Ball told Beaton to put down his weapon, threatening to shoot the Princess. As Ball tried to force entry to the car, Beaton went round to the other side, climbing in beside the royal and her husband. When Ball fired again, Beaton put up his own arm to obstruct the bullet. He was shot through the hand, and then shot in the abdomen. Having suffered significant injury, Beaton told the police in his statement, ‘I felt tired and very drunk, although I hadn’t been drinking. I just wanted to lie down.’ It was not only Beaton who found himself in the line of fire that night. Journalist Brian McConnell, Anne’s chauffeur Alexander Callender, and Michael Hills – a police constable on duty at St James’s Palace – were all shot. Fortunately, all the men survived. Were it not for the fortuitous passing by of Ronnie Russell, however, the crisis could have taken an even worse turn. After Russell punched Ball, the assailant attempted to run away, and was caught by officers who chased after him. Having shown such bravery, Beaton continued to work for Anne for another five years. He subsequently worked for too. He told that the incident marked a significant change in how Royal Family members are protected: ‘I had nothing… There was no back-up vehicle. The training was non-existent; but then again, [we thought] nothing was going to happen. They are highly specialised now, highly trained.’ Immediately after the attack, ceased having only one protection officer. When Anne visited Beaton in hospital, ‘She turned up with two policemen. From then on, that’s what it was.’ The type of guns used by bodyguards were also changed. After Beaton’s weapon had jammed, ‘the Walthers were got rid of overnight.’

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