Royal Family LIVE: Kate and William score ‘own goal’ after...
Royal Family LIVE: Kate and William score ‘own goal’ after Queen of Spain shows them up

Royal Family LIVE: Kate and William score ‘own goal’ after Queen of Spain shows them up

Kate, the Princess of Wales and Prince William have scored an "own goal" ahead of the Lionesses' World Cup final bout against Spain and have been shown up by Queen Letizia , a commentator has claimed. The Royal Spanish Football Federation confirmed the beloved Spanish Queen would make the nearly day-long trip to Sydney this week to watch the final alongside her daughter, Infanta Sofia, and support their nation's home team. The Wales family will keep their feet planted firmly in the UK as the Lionesses seek to cement their champion status beyond Europe. Kensington Palace has confirmed the couple will stay at home, despite Prince William being the President of the Football Association, as he is keen not to take long-haul flights for a brief duty due to the potential impact on the environment. One commentator has said the family's decision to watch the game at home is an "own goal". Royal expert Christopher Wilson called out Princess Kate over Twitter, telling her it is "not too late" to fly to Australia for the August 20 match. He wrote: “Ooops...own goal from Team Windsor. But it's not too late to book your ticket, #Kate - the Lionesses need your support." Mr Wilson added that Spain scored an early goal in "world optics" by having royals attend the match. He said: "In the end Spain will have a royal supporter there, the #Lionsses won't. At a time like this diplomatic considerations come second to world optics - currently the royal score is Spain 1, England 0.” The commentator added in a follow-up: "The Spanish royal family feels this is a moment of national pride and that #QueenLetitzia's journey is necessary - shouldn't #William and #Kate?"

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