How Manchester United cult hero Henning Berg only came to England...
How Manchester United cult hero Henning Berg only came to England thanks to a medical mixup: now the Norwegian shares the crazy story

How Manchester United cult hero Henning Berg only came to England thanks to a medical mixup: now the Norwegian shares the crazy story

Former Norway international Henning Berg has recalled the “crazy” story which led him to being signed by then Blackburn Rovers manager Kenny Dalglish, sparking a decade-long association with English football. Berg would go on to win three Premier League titles with Rovers and then after he was signed by Sir Alex Ferguson, but it was in 1993 when he first got picked up as Dalglish, and it’s not your ordinary scouting story, as he recalled to . “This is a crazy story,” he said. “I’d just gotten into the Norway team, so I was on the bench. Our centre-back, Tore Pedersen, got an elbow to the head from Ian Wright. Our doctor ran on and asked Tore what the score was. Because England had been dominating, the doctor thought England were leading 1-0. “But the score was actually 0-0. Tore said it was 0-0, so the doctor thought he had concussion and made him go off. I came on and Dalglish saw me playing. A month later, I was invited to train with and they offered me a contract. It was pretty good for me that the doctor didn’t know much about football.” Berg joined Blackburn in January 1993 and two years later would be a vital part of the team which won their first and only Premier League title, with the Norwegian missing just two games all season. Across the next few years, his performances and versatility as both a centre-back and right-back led Man United and Ferguson to pay £5m for his services, a record at that time for a defender from a British club. Berg would be a regular across three seasons, being part of the historic treble-winning team in 1999, before he returned to Blackburn in 2000, and would have a brief unsuccessful spell as the club’s manager in 2012.

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