Dad who thought he had IBS given devastating diagnosis at 50
Dad who thought he had IBS given devastating diagnosis at 50

Dad who thought he had IBS given devastating diagnosis at 50

A dad who thought he had IBS discovered he actually had incurable cancer on his 50th birthday. John Simpson, from , suffered from stomach problems for more than seven years, which his GP had diagnosed as It was only when John switched GPs and was sent for exploratory tests that he started to suspect something was seriously wrong. A tumour was found in John’s lower bowel and following further tests, he was diagnosed with the rare neuroendocrine cancer - a tumour that can develop in many different organs of the body. Doctors believe the cancer had been in John’s body for many years, but was slow-growing. The dad-of-two wanted to know how long he would have to live as at the time his mum was dying of cancer and he had just lost an aunt to the disease. Doctors explained he could have 10 years provided he responded well to treatment. As John was feeling so ill, exhausted and wasn’t eating, he stopped work immediately. It was an incredibly difficult time for the family as they had also just lost John’s dad to an aneurism. Now 53, John has undergone surgery to remove tumours from his bowel, diaphragm, peritoneum and liver since then, and is currently waiting for recent scan results. He now wants to urge others to sign up and support the Shine Night Walk for Cancer Research UK. John, who is a devoted fan, said: “My experience means I understand the importance of Cancer Research UK’s work all too clearly. My world fell apart when I was diagnosed. It’s devastating news to take in. But I have had amazing support and it has helped to keep me going. “I’m grateful to my friends and family who always encourage me to have a daily walk to keep me mobile and to keep me busy. “Sadly, the symptoms mean I feel permanently exhausted and often need to take naps throughout the day and pace myself. I’ve always been a big strapping guy and am 6ft 2 in height, so feeling so tired I need to have a sleep after popping to the shops has taken a lot of getting used to.” John knows first-hand just how important new breakthroughs and discoveries are to help more people like him survive. Due to having his bowel resected, he can only eat a third of what he used to and leads a healthy lifestyle, trying to walk as often as possible and avoiding sugar, fat and alcohol. He lives with partner Jackie and dotes on his three grandchildren with a fourth baby on the way. John and a gang of 25 friends and family members celebrated his fighting spirit last year by taking part in the charity’s 10k Shine Night Walk. They raised more than £6k for Cancer Research UK. Although John wasn’t able to complete the full Shine route due to feeling exhausted, he loved taking part and the camaraderie of his fellow participants. Entries are open now for the event in Liverpool on Friday, September 8 and the former NHS IT worker hopes people of all abilities will step up and follow in his footsteps to raise money for life-saving research. The event starts at the Pier Head at 8pm, with the route passing some of the city’s famous landmarks including the Museum of Liverpool, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic and Chinatown gate. John said: “I’m so grateful to have more precious time with my loved ones. I owe everything to research into better treatments, so I hope that sharing my story will help inspire people to sign up for the Shine Night Walk. "It’s not about being first across the finish line. Everyone can take part at their own pace, whether that’s a leisurely stroll, a lively stride or a full-on power walk. “There really is no better motivation than knowing you’re helping to save lives. One in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime, but all of us can support the research that will beat it.” Last year, Cancer Research UK was able to spend more than £1m in Liverpool. The Shine Liverpool event raised £123,758 in 2022. Shine Night Walk participants can choose to raise money for the area of research closest to their hearts – including prostate cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, brain tumours, children’s cancers and leukaemia. Or they can simply give their backing to Cancer Research UK’s overall work. Cancer Research UK spokesperson for Merseyside, Jane Bullock, said: “We want to thank John and people across Liverpool for making our life-saving advances possible. It’s thanks to the generosity of our supporters, that we’ve helped double cancer survival in the UK in the last 50 years. “But with around 43,600 people diagnosed with cancer each year in the North West, we’re not stopping now. That’s why we hope as many people as possible will pull on their trainers and experience this special opportunity to shine a light for loved ones lost to cancer or to celebrate the lives of those who have survived. “By raising crucial funds, every step Shine Night Walk participants take will help bring us closer to a world where everybody can live longer, better lives, free from the fear of this devastating disease.”

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