Dad told to stop committing crimes 'if he loves his son'
Dad told to stop committing crimes 'if he loves his son'

Dad told to stop committing crimes 'if he loves his son'

A dad has been urged to stop committing crimes "if he loves and cares for his son". Anthony Lucas left his ex-girlfriend "living in fear" after consistently "hounding" her and "making her life a misery". This campaign of harassment included hurling abuse at her as she picked their child up from primary school while young children played nearby. Liverpool Crown Court heard today, Tuesday, that Margaret Morley obtained a one-year non-molestation order against the 36-year-old in October 2022 following the breakdown of their relationship. This banned him from contacting her other than via a third party for the purposes of child contact. Shannon Stewart, prosecuting, described how Lucas - of Windle Hall Drive in - was then handed a 12-month imprisonment suspended for two years and an additional five-year restraining order on February 13 this year for assault and two counts of breaching his non-molestation order. This came after he continued to make "lots and lots of threatening and abusive phone calls". But, shortly after 8.30pm on April 14, Ms Morley answered a phone call from a withheld number and heard the defendant on the other end saying "I want my lad's number". She hung up without replying. Ten days later on April 24, the victim was collecting the couple's son from primary school when she saw Lucas on the opposite side of the road. He then began shouting at her despite children being present in a nearby playground, leaving her in a "panicked state". After being arrested on May 24, the ex-boyfriend denied being the mystery caller and said he was attending a Probation Service meeting in Prescot at the time of the incident at the school - claiming that he was not a man shown at the scene in CCTV footage and that it was a case of "mistaken identity". A statement read out to the court on Ms Morley's behalf said: "I am living in fear of Lucas. "I am constantly having to look over my shoulder due to the constant anxiety he may be near me. I feel like life is not worth living any more." Suzanne Payne, defending, told the court that her client continues to deny any wrongdoing and added: "He is keeping himself busy while in prison. He is going to the gym, which is assisting with his mental health. "His mental health did decline since his split from Ms Morley. He has had thoughts of taking his own life, such was his anxiety and depression. "He accepts that the relationship is over. He would have employment to return to once his mental health issues are resolved. "Prison has had a salutary effect on him. I would ask your honour to give him a chance." Lucas was found guilty of two counts of harassment and two counts of breaching a non-molestation order during a trial and admitted breaching a suspended sentence order. Appearing in the crown court for sentence via video link to HMP Altcourse, he was jailed for two years. Sentencing, Judge David Swinnerton said: "You know you have had a serious impact on her mental health and, despite the suspended sentence, you carried on. Although you have no remorse and continue to deny the offence, you say you accept that the relationship is over. "You are making her life a misery. You will undoubtedly be having a negative impact on your own son. "If you care for and love your son, stop doing this. You have to stop hounding her - if you don't, you are going to spend more time in prison."

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