What are Baldur's Gate 3 Hirelings and how do you recruit one?
What are Baldur's Gate 3 Hirelings and how do you recruit one?

What are Baldur's Gate 3 Hirelings and how do you recruit one?

Baldur's Gate 3 Hirelings are undead warriors that can take the place of your companions. Whether you don't want to risk your friends' lives in a particularly dicey boss fight, or if you want to test out another before committing to a respec, Withers has you covered. There's one Hireling for each playable class, meaning plenty of options to experiment with. Here's everything you need to know about Hirelings and how they can be put to use. What are Hirelings in Baldur's Gate 3? Hirelings are resurrected warriors that can fight alongside you. Once you unlock Withers at your camp, either by completing the dungeon or just by waiting it out, you'll be able to pay the mysterious man to recruit an extra pair of hands to help out. Simply speak to Withers and hand over the coin to choose your Hireling. Being undead soldiers, if your Hirelings die in battle, they die for good. You'll have to recruit a new one if that happens, but luckily, Withers has quite a few on hand. So, what are Hirelings useful for? We have no shortage of , so why would we want to swap one of them out for a Hireling? Well, the Hirelings are useful just in case one of your cohort ends up dead for good and you need to make up the ranks. Sure, Withers can , but only under certain conditions. If any of your party end up dying by your hand (a very real possibility if you're playing a ) or if they are killed by one another, Withers could refuse to resurrect them at all. That makes his supply of Level 1 undead soldiers just that much more useful. You can also use Hirelings to try out different playstyles before asking withers to help you out with a . Monks, Paladins, and Sorcerors don't feature in your core group of companions, so if you're curious about the powers they might hold, taking a Hireling out for a test drive could prove very educational. At the end of the day, though, Hirelings are temporary foot soldiers that you can take or leave in .