I'm a professional cleaner and these are the four 'controversial'...
I'm a professional cleaner and these are the four 'controversial' things I'd never have in my home

I'm a professional cleaner and these are the four 'controversial' things I'd never have in my home

I'm a professional cleaner and these are the four 'controversial' things I'd never have in my home Cleaner shares sour things she'd never have in her home They included silicone toilet brushes and finger tiles READ MORE: How to clean your greasy, grimy oven using nothing but this one pantry staple and water By Louise Allingham For Daily Mail Australia Published: 02:44, 21 August 2023 | Updated: 02:44, 21 August 2023 e-mail 1 View comments A professional cleaner has revealed the four things she would never have in her home as they can be a pain to keep clean. Simone Tsigolis who runs Jetlag Remedy cleaning services in Sydney and the Central Coast said she would steer away from silicone toilet brushes, glass tables, matte black sinks and finger tiles. The business owner thought silicone toilet brushes were useless and finger tiles collected hard-to-remove dust. She said it was hard to get matte blacks sinks sparkling clean and streak marks and finger prints on glass tables are 'not a fun time'. Simone's hot takes divided fans as many loved their silicone toilet brushes, especially, while others thought she was 'spot on'. Scroll down for video Professional cleaner Simone Tsigolis has shared the top four things she would never have in her home including silicone toilet brushes as they are 'flimsy' and 'barely work' Simone warned against Japanese finger tiles sometimes known as Kit-Kat tiles: 'They just collect so much dust. It's just really hard to clean, it hurts my soul' 'if you have any of these things, it's totally fine, it's just my opinion,' Simone said in a TikTok video before listing her household no-gos. First on Simone's list are silicone toilet brushes that have become popular in Aussie households in the past 12 months. 'What the hell, they barely work. They're flimsy, they break,' she said. 'As soon as I see one of these in someone's bathroom, it brings a tear to my eye knowing I'm gonna have to try and clean a toilet with that.' Secondly, Simone warned against Japanese finger tiles sometimes known as Kit-Kat tiles. 'They just collect so much dust and the dust sticks inside the grooves of them whether you're using a dry cloth or a wet cloth,' she explained. READ MORE: I'm a professional cleaner and this is how I remove soap scum from shower screens in 20 seconds Advertisement Simone said matte-clack sinks never come up 'shining and sparkling' while streak marks and fingerprints are a constant on glass tables 'It's just really hard to clean, it hurts my soul.' While she admitted they were 'aesthetically pleasing', Simone deemed matte-black sinks as a 'major dislike' of hers. 'I know this one's going to be a bit controversial...You can see every single crumb, piece of food and everything else in between, you can see it all,' she said. 'Not being able to get it shining and sparkling like you would with any other sink - heartbreaking.' Four things pro cleaner Simone would have in her home Invisible drains - I find them so satisfying and easy to clean. They are simple to take apart and put back together and super easy to scrub. Hidden bins - Not only do I find this easy to cleaning but I think it looks so much better when you don't have a bin on display and don't have the smell wafting through the kitchen. Fridge storage -The satisfaction of cleaning the storage compartments and popping everything back in; nothing compares. Wooden furniture - They're super easy to clean, yo can see when they're dirty and you don't deal with fingerprints. They're timeless. Source: jetlagremedy/TikTok Advertisement Finally, the cleaner said she would stay away from glass tables. 'Again very aesthetically pleasing. Streak marks, the finger marks, it's just not a fun time,' she said. Simone's video racked up an impressive 1.6million views online and sparked a heated debate in the comments. 'Totally agree, I have black sink and NEVER again, lesson learnt,' one viewer wrote. 'We have a black sink and I agree, you can see all the crumbs. scrub the sink as normal, dry completely, coat in cooking oil,' a second agreed. 'I had the big glass table. Never again,' added a third. 'I really wanted to like silicone toilet brushes but they just are not capable of cleaning a toilet!' someone else wrote. However not everyone was a fan of what Simone had to say with many saying they love their silicone toilet brushes. 'My silicone toilet brush works amazing, I find normal ones too big to get properly in there,' one woman said. 'Silicone toilet brushes are proven to be antimicrobial and more hygienic than a traditional toilet brush,' another claimed. 'I've got one of those black sinks, they're a little bit more work but as long as you rinse properly and use vinegar every now and then they look amazing!' added a third. Share or comment on this article: I'm a professional cleaner and these are the four 'controversial' things I'd never have in my home e-mail Add comment Comments 1 Share what you think Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all The comments below have not been moderated. View all The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Add your comment Enter your comment By posting your comment you agree to our house rules . Submit Comment Clear Close Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. No Yes Close Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? 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